Betty: A Life Interrupted," by Dave O. Dodge, tells the untold story of Betty Hill’s extraterrestrial life. Dodge will be at White Birch Books in North Conway on Sept. 2
CONWAY — Dave O. Dodge enjoys taking real stories and fictionalizing them to reach an even greater audience. The most recent example is "Betty: A Life Interrupted-The Untold Story of Betty Hill’s Extraterrestrial Life." Dodge will be at White Birch Books at 2568 White Mountain Highway in North Conway on Monday, Sept. 2, from 1 to 2 p.m.
To set the stage, Betty and Barney Hill’s alien experience occurred in the 1960s while driving through the White Mountain National Forest and was considered the very first documented case of alien abduction.
Dodge’s book begins with this late night drive and continues through multiple investigations from government agencies, months of forensic hypnosis, critical response from the public, and multiple strange occurrences throughout their lives. The couple went on to be the reluctant face of the UFO phenomenon that was sweeping the nation, with Betty considered the first lady of alien abductions.
A well-established interracial married couple living in New Hampshire, Betty was a well-respected social worker and admired by her colleagues. Barney was a postman, who become an esteemed volunteer with the state and its efforts for economic growth, as well as a member of the NAACP. They were catapulted into the media limelight, with countless appearances on national media. Appearing at the first UFO Conference, they told their story, never wavering from the experience that interrupted that drive so late at night.
Dodge is a true New Englander, born and raised in northern New Hampshire. He is an experienced travel writer, marketer, international tour guide and natural story-teller. His previous book, "The Seasons of Grace," is a novelization of the life of Grace Metalious, the author of Peyton Place, and will also be available at the event. He currently lives in Mexico where he runs a boutique bed & breakfast with his partner.
For more information about the event or to reserve a copy of "Betty: A Life Interrupted," call White Birch Books at (603) 356-3200 or go to